This website is completely and legally owned by and no third party have or will have any access to the information provided through this site.

All the information received through this site will be confidential and secure and will not be transferred, shared or even visible to anyone other than the user. This is applicable to every individual who browse through our site, provide your contact details, contact us through mail or even telephone or take the test through our site. Your information is safe with us.

• No information will be collected from an individual without their consent.

• No individual will have to fill up any kind of forms or questionnaires that demand your personal details for browsing this site or learning about our facilities and services.

• The personal information provided will be directed to our own secure specially designed private engines and no other third party or engines or servers or software are used or are involved in collecting, processing and generating the data provided for FACE.

• The individual user will have a six months time access to their concerned information and reports of the test after which the information will be permanently deleted from our servers automatically.

• If the individual shares the information provided, to a third party, then we won’t be responsible in any case.

• The account you create with us will solely belong to you and we do not encourage multiple users for the same account. This is a personality assessment test and please refrain from sharing your account details with anyone else or allowing anyone else access into your account. At any case where multiple users handle the same account and disparities arise in the result, we are not liable.

• All methods and analytical tools used for the FACE assessment legally and morally belongs to and reciprocating or imitating our test methods and processes including the questionnaire, sentences and phrases in the website and the generated report will be legally accounted for.

• The online monetary transactions carried through the site for the purpose of availing our services and facilities will be channeled only through our dedicated payment processor which is one of the most confidential and secure servers build for the purpose and no money exceeding the value suiting your package will be deducted. No personal details like your card number, mailing details, IP address or test information will be siphoned out in any way. Your test report and data entered for FACE will not be shared or transferred in parts or whole to the monetary channels by any way.

• No other external links are provided in the website that will take you into any other pages or servers. Once you get into our site, all links and tabs provided here will lead only into the different pages in our site and no other external sources are provided here.

• No pop ups or ad flashes are a part of our site and while browsing our site or taking the test if at all any pop ups or ad flash shows up it is completely from the browser you are using and our site does not include or encourage any such external interventions. We strongly recommend you to completely avoid such windows while proceeding with our site. If at all you deliberately or accidentally click on any such links that lead you out from our site or that causes changes to our provided information (like the Google translate page), we shall not be accounted for.

• While taking the test if the power goes off or your system crashes you can at any worse case scenario continue, exactly from the point you got shut out, the next time you log in to your account.

• No later changes can be made to the responses entered during the test deliberately or accidentally. So we recommend you to seriously pay attention while attending the FACE assessment.

• Only the information required for your profiling will be asked from you and no other additional information is sought to be provided by the individual.

• A cookie is a small text file that a website sends to a visitor’s browser every time the visitor makes a request from the site. It contains a unique identification number to recognize the visitor’s browser. Cookies help identify a returning visitor, that will help us customize your online experience. However, your identity will be completely shielded from us unless you provide your personal details by registering.

If you have any doubts or need any further clarifications about any clause or statement provided in this page, please contact us. It will be our priority to respond to you as promptly as possible.